Omygoodness! It is 2014!
Wow 2013 brought a lot of different opportunities and blessings for our little family.
The greatest blessing that was brought to our family is my new little nephew Forrest Martyn!
Brent, Sarah, and Forrest |
He is absolutely beautiful. Forrest is so calm and peaceful, loving and comforting and not to mention so darn cute!
2013 also brought new jobs to both Jake and I!
I was just realizing all the different places I have been this year:
Feb-Bahamas with my uncle and aunt, Sarah and Brent, mom and dad, and Aubree
March- weekend trip to New Mexico
July- San Antonio to see my sweet husband
November- Branson with our sweet friends Adam and Jessica
Each year brings some type of challenge to our little family. One great challenge was Jake leaving for school for 3 months. I hate when he leaves. Each time he leaves is so hard but this one was so very hard. The months were made easier with my sweet Copper keeping me company at home but it was still so hard. The greatest challenge 2013 brought to our family happened actually on Dec. 27th. Many of my family and friends know how much Jake and I love our Copper. I mean we LOVE HIM. Copper was hit by a car last Friday afternoon and afterwards ran off to hide in the woods. I usually take him out to my parents house because he loves it so much there with all the countryside and his friends(the cows). It broke my spirit that night. I don't want to go much into that evening but I do want to make known how much God does love us. He was looking after Copper and he brought him back to us. My sweet sweet friend Jessica came to see me after finding out and he showed up afterwards. My family was overjoyed and our AMAZING veterinarian took extraordinary care of him! After that evening so many things have been put in perspective to me!
We have moved into a new Sunday School class at church and are making new friends and memories!
I chopped off all my hair off this year and have no regrets!!
I rekindled some sweet friendships and could not be any happier.
Read some good book series! And fell in love with some old ones all over again. Maybe I'll do a post on that later!
I'm not much into making new year resolutions but I want to purposefully healthy in my life. I look back to my life in Hawaii and was the healthiest I had ever been. I want to be back to that place in life and hope to go back this year.
I hope everyone has a great 2014!!!
Here are some pictures to leave you all with!
#Hobbit |
Baby Tripp Stovall was born!!! |
I made my first quilt for little Forrest |
Tripp and Forrest hanging out |
My precious nephew getting his first shots |
Fredericksburg with Jake |
Bought a 4-wheeler! |
Welcomed my Forrest |
Our family out shooting one spring afternoon. |
Sarah and Brent's Baby shower. Lots of new babies here! Micah Wolfe and Tripp. Harrison was the first! |
Annual Pie Day with Jessica! |
Forrest's Birthday! Had to represent Snape! |
My beautiful puppy! |
Christmas card making! |
I hope everyone is enjoying this new year so far! Hopefully I will post more and more.