We get there and immediatly see tons of booths set up with loads of fresh fruits, vegetables, hot plates, breads, jams, honeys, butter, vinegars, syrups, coffee, tea, and I'm sure tons of other stuff!
I LOVED taste testing everything! I swear, yesterday I ate some of the best honey, peanut butter, and jams I have ever eaten.
The first place we stopped at was to taste some local honey that is made up on the North Shore. They had Christmas Berry, Rainbow Blend, and I think Macdamia Nut. OMYWORD. So fresh and I love how you know exactly what is in the honey. It was a tad too expensive for us both so we went ahead to the other booths. We then went to this booth where the men make their own peanut butter. Ughh....so good. He had coconut peanut butter, Mango, banana spread, and papaya I believe. I bought the Macadamia nut peanut butter and want to eat this on everything! Next was some more honey's. We looked through all the fresh herbs, veges, and fruits. I got some little bananas, I never realized how little they are compared to the monsters that are sold in the store. They were about 9c more expensive so not bad. I loved smelling the fresh rosemary, basil, and tyme. I bought a little bag of assorted bell peppers and some of the best butter ever! It is guava butter and a lady in Kailua makes all of her butter herself. My friend bought some Lilikulani Syrup...I regret not buying that which I will next time. She made her butters out of fresh flowers found around the island. One butter is made out of a flower that is gathered only once every 15 years that grows near the volcanoes.
I then got some fresh honey.
We had such a great day!
I can't wait to go back!

if i could come and visit that is the first place id make you take me!! how fun!! i love that stuff.
ReplyDeleteI just remembered something. When we were on our honeymoon we had some coconut syrup (like on pancakes). I bought a couple bottles to take home and (stupidly) put them in our carryon because I didn't want them to break. And they were taken because they were over 1 ounce. Have you seen any coconut syrup at the store? I would totally send you a check for a couple bottles and shipping if you could find any. It was the most heavenly stuff ever...and I literally cried when it was taken from me at the airport! Let me know! You would be my hero! :)
ReplyDeleteoh my word that sounds so incredible!