This morning I had a lot on my mind so I put in my ipod and just went for it. While I was walking up this hill that over looks the ocean, beaches, and helicoptor hangers, I was just so overwhelmed by how much God has truly blessed me.
So many times I place bitter seeds in my heart for being here so far away from home but I hardly embrace the beauty this place has to offer. I was listening to August's Rhapsody and just felt like God was reaching down to hold my hand and walk with me the rest of the way.
Sometimes You can truly feel His precence all around you and other times it feels as if you so alone you could cry. But we are never alone.
God will take Jake and I to higher heights any where we go because God's plans are for the best of us.
Some days are harder than others but today is a day to embrace and be thankful that I had such a view to look down at.
It really is beautiful here.

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