Has anyone ever had a blood orange? Yesterday I went to the store and saw that they had just stocked up on a lot of fresh fruits. Some were from around the island. When I saw these little guys I was not very drawn to their name but the description got me. They were pretty expensive compared to regular oranges here (these were about $3.42 a lb) but I wanted to try one.
When I got home I cut one open and tasted it. OMYWORD. If you thought a reg. orange was good these are 10x better. I wish they made sugar out of these. They are so fresh, juicy, and SWEET.
Maybe next week I'll venture into another type of fruit I had never tasted. They have a few that look a little different but I'm here, so I should try.
I just finished my Heat Therapy sacks! I love my sewing machine. I made them for Mrs. Pantling and am going over to her house for tea on Friday. I hope she likes them. I heated one up in the microwave to test it out and it smelled up my kitchen in spicy perfumes and felt very nice all warm and soft. It would be the perfect gift for anyone with any pains or who gets headaches often. And it was SUPER easy!
They come with a little poem also :)
I found the link on pinterst but the tutorial and blog can be found here: http://creativeoutletdesigns.blogspot.com/2007/12/diy-wheat-sacks-tutorials.html

Jake and I will be celebrating our 2nd anniversary this Sunday! So far we are planning on going to the Lt. Dan Band this Saturday on base. It is a free concert led my Gary Sneese's band. They come each year for the military and give a free concert. We will then head over to Haliewa Joes and chow down! I'm so excited and blessed. This year really felt like our first year of marraige seeing as how we were together for most of it. Year 1 counted, but we were only together for about 3.5 months of it.
I love Jake so much and am loving him more and more each day that passes.
I will hopefully take lots of pictures this weekend for everyone!
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