Saturday we went to go see the Lorax with our friends and their litter girl. It was such a cute movie and I love that Ed Helms was the voice of the Onceler! We came back home and then later went out to eat with them out in Kailua! God has really answered my prayers by bringing me this friend and her family.
Sunday we went to church and our hearts were so warmed and refreshed by the message. The founder of International Baptist was there and spoke of our being a chosen people. We are royalty and should be lights to the world. This church is HUGE in missions and he shared several testimonies of people he knew that died for Christ. It was convicting, uplifting, and wonderful to know that God chose us for a reason. He loves us and has a divine purpose for each of his special children.
We came home and relaxed the rest of the day. It has been pouring and raining nonstop for over a week and I am ready for the 78degree Hawaiin weather to come back to us! We watched our Sunday shows and I LOVED Once Upon a Time! It was so romantic!
Today I have woke up, drank my green tea, and am getting ready to spend the afternoon with the Pantlings. She has given me the gift of one of her favorite Fiestaware Casserole dishes and is teaching me how to make a FANTASTIC cobbler! I prayed specifically that she would ask us to let Jake spend the week with us. God says we can come to Him with our requests and I know that if its His will, he can come see us :)
I love that nothing is too petty for Our God that we present to Him!
I also got the greatest shirt ever this weekend:

Its my first Harry Potter shirt and because it is about Snape, means its the best shirt ever! Its American Apparel so its also super soft. I should wear it to my book club just so I can let them know that this series is not of the Devil! But they wouldn't know what it means anywase so I will probley just wear it everywhere else.
Hope everyone enjoys their Monday! I have heard several times that it is beautiful back home! And Congrats to my cousin Madison for making 8th grade cheer! So happy for you!